The beloved Mr. Rogers (of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood fame) is to have said, “All of us, at some time or other, need help. Whether we’re giving or receiving help, each one of us has something valuable to bring to this world. That’s one of the things that connects us as neighbors — in our own way, each one of us is a giver and a receiver.” When it comes to giving and receiving the things that are most important in life, the people who are exceptional at doing this are in The Episcopal Church and are even right here at Trinity. Why? Because a big part of what we do every Sunday is to give and receive. Our choir gives their gift of music, and we receive prayerful reflection and encouragement. Our acolytes give their gift of attentiveness, and we receive an ordered and safe place for worship. All because, first, God gave his gift of Jesus so that we might receive Christ and know true peace.
We see the giving and receiving of what is helpful throughout our everyday lives. Two families come to mind. A father who is a craftsman gives his son a love for knowing how things are made. The son receives this gift, and it becomes a love for building model airplanes – a hobby that is a source of rest and enjoyment in an often-busy life of profession and family. A mother who loved decorating her home gives her daughter a love for color and pattern. The daughter receives this gift and goes on to enjoy her life as a professional artist. When we’re together on Sundays, there are myriad ways that we give and receive. At the very heart of The Great Thanksgiving – body and blood are given, love is received. Bread and wine are given, thanksgiving is received. Giving and receiving is at the very heart of life.
This Lent, we will walk together through a series of teachings that are at the heart of life and at the heart of our life together as Trinity. The teaching series is entitled “Signs of Life: Why Church Matters.” Together we’ll learn more about how the signs and symbols of our faith — water, bread, light, community — and how it is speaks to what we need most deeply in our lives. Our series will take place on Wednesday evenings beginning March 4 and will include the work of holy music, which is so important to us here at Trinity.
I hope you’ll join us!