“We thank you … for assuring us in these holy mysteries that we are living members of the Body of your Son, and heirs of your eternal kingdom”
(Book of Common Prayer, p. 366).
Worship services held at Trinity Church follow the Episcopal liturgies set forth in The Book of Common Prayer, featuring hymns, readings, a sermon, prayers and Holy Communion. All persons who have been baptized, and are therefore part of the extended family that is the Church, are welcome to receive the bread and wine, and be in communion with God and each other.
Sunday Mornings
8 a.m. Holy Eucharist & 10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist
Located at 227 Sherman Street in the city of Watertown, Trinity Church is a welcoming Episcopal community that worships in one of Northern New York’s most historic churches. Plenty of parking is available along Sherman Street, but we encourage you to park in the city parking lot, off Clinton and Stone streets, behind the church, and enter through Macsherry Parish Center. The church is fully accessible for all our visitors and two wheelchairs are available.

Professional nursery care is regularly available at Trinity Church during our 10:30 a.m. service as well as during special services and Christian education as announced. Barbara C. Tucker is our nursery care provider.
The nursery is located in Macsherry Parish Center. From the church, go through the doors on the left of the chancel, down the corridor and through the double doors into the parish center. The nursery will be on the left. From the Sherman Street entrance to the parish center, turn right in the hallway, and the nursery will be on your right. From the city parking lot entrance to the parish center, go through the double doors, and the nursery will be on your left.