This Sunday, I’ll have a new experience here at Trinity. A portion of our community will worship at 8 a.m., then some of us will gather for Adult Christian Formation at 9:15 a.m., and then a portion of our community will worship at 10:30 a.m. It might feel as though we’re not as close together on Sunday mornings as our summer 9:30 combined service ends. But that’s only partially true. Remember that we all walk in the same way of love every Sunday – praying the same prayers, singing the same hymns, meditating on Scripture together, gazing at our holy images reflected in the stained glass, and most importantly taking in the same body of Christ.
No matter where you are in life – age, stage of life, career, challenges, successes – we are knit together every time we pray the prayers and soak in the generous beauty of Trinity Church. This is because we are walking in the way of love. Original followers of Jesus called their religion, “The Way.” (We know this from the Acts of the Apostles.) I hope you’ll join me on Sunday mornings at 9:15 to think and reflect more on what our modern-day actions of walking in the Way of Love look like for us. The parts of the Way of Love are reflected in the image (below) – Turn – Learn – Pray – Worship – Bless – Go – Rest. Together we’ll think and reflect on how these practices knit us together as a community here at Trinity. The ways that these practices help you draw closer to Christ in your daily life. The ways that these practices help you take Jesus out into greater Watertown and the north country. See you there!
Your Sister in Christ,
Molly +