There are lots of other places that we could be on a Sunday other than in church. Places that might be more fun – like brunch, or a soccer game, or the dog park. Places that would make more sense to those who are not people of faith – like sleeping in or enjoying a leisurely morning with The New York Times. Why do we gather with fellow Christians, fellow Episcopalians, to pray and worship God? There are a number of ways to respond to this question. Most responses depend on where or how you see God at work in this world, or if you were raised in the faith, or what you believe about God in Christ.
Your response to this question is important because it helps you know how you might be sharing the faith with others. Even if you aren’t aware that you’re ever sharing your faith with others – simply by being a person of faith, you’re sharing some of who you are with others. (That’s how the Holy Spirit works). I hope you’ll join us Wednesday evenings during Lent to think more about this.
The Lord has blessed us with the beauty and ability of Trinity Church so that we might be a blessing to others.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.