The Search Committee was commissioned in December and has had its first planning meeting. On behalf of the Vestry, the Wardens delivered “The Charge” to the Search Committee. The Charge is posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall.
The next step is to begin a self-study. This is an important time in our parish life to talk and listen to one another. The self-study will help us look at our history and, through small group discussions, to discover/uncover who we are at the present time. This will assist us to accurately present ourselves to rector candidates.
To this end, the Search Committee, with the support of the Vestry, has planned a six-week listening process featuring small group discussions. Beginning Sunday, Jan. 21, and continuing through Sunday, Feb. 25, we will have one combined service at 9:30 a.m., followed by a light lunch and approximately 60 minutes of small group conversation. Specific topics for each Sunday’s discussion will be forthcoming. Child care will be available during the entire time. Our hope is that these sessions will draw us together as a community of faith to explore our joint experiences of Trinity.
The more participation there is, the more the process of searching for a new rector will feel like a reality for all of us. Whether you have been here for 90 years or just the past few months, the Search Committee invites you to participate in this important and foundational self-study phase of the search process. It is your primary opportunity to participate directly in the search for our next rector. If you have any questions, please contact one of us.
Ron Roberts, Chairman; Deb Leopard, Vestry Liaison; Liz Gendron, Peter Gibbs, Linda Roof, and Frank Whitehead.