The Episcopal Church Women of Trinity Church provides opportunities for fellowship and service to all women of the parish and the greater Watertown community.
The ECW has participated in both the school supplies drive and the hats and mittens collection for Watertown Urban Mission. ECW has been pleased to host a luncheon for those in our parish who are 80 or older.
The ECW Ministries and Coffee Klatch community began as the Prayer Shawl Ministry, creating prayer shawls to be delivered to those experiencing challenging life situations or celebrating happy occasions. The ministry’s focus includes not only prayer shawls, but lap robes, chemo caps for North Country Oncology, pocket prayer cloths, blankets for Project Linus, and partnering with the IHC “Knit In” project.
ECW Ministries and Coffee Klatch meets from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesdays in the Parish Hall, except on holidays or when Watertown schools are closed because of inclement weather. Knitting, crocheting, and sewing skills are not necessary. The group welcomes all women in the community to join in fellowship.

Chemo caps and knitted items

Project Linus blankets
For more information about the Episcopal Church Women, please send us an e-mail using the form below: