Confirmation and Reception
In the Episcopal Church, when a person is baptized according to the rites of the Episcopal Church, that person, baptized at any age, is a full member of the Episcopal Church. When a baptized person makes a mature affirmation of faith in the presence of the Bishop, and receives the laying on of hands by the Bishop, that person is considered to have been “Confirmed.”
Adults baptized in the presence of the Bishop and receiving the laying on of hands by the Bishop are, thereby, Confirmed.
Persons who have been confirmed in another denomination may be “Received” into the Episcopal Church. Please speak with the Rector.
Persons wishing to be Confirmed or Received by the Bishop are prepared by the Rector. If you are interested in considering such preparation, please let the Rector know.
Persons wishing to serve on the Vestry as “Wardens,” or the church as Diocesan Convention Delegates, or General Convention Deputies must have been Confirmed to be eligible.