Join us Sunday, Feb. 11, following the combined service at 9:30 a.m., for Spiritual Genealogy Part 1, led by the Rev. Barb Schmitz.

A light lunch will be served. Childcare is available. Many thanks to Jane Gendron for providing lunch.

Regarding Feb. 4

The Search Committee is thankful for and appreciative of the very positive and thoughtful comments from last Sunday’s focus groups. You have given us and each other much to ponder and be hopeful for in the months to come. You have expressed that Trinity has always been an active force and we should strive, once again, to achieve that place in the local community.

We invite you to be a part of Rev. Barb’s Spiritual Genealogy Feb. 11 (Part 1) and Feb. 18 (Part 2).

Here are a few of your thoughts from this past Sunday:

■ Ministry must be a ‘group effort’ to carry out mission

■ Looking for a rector to help guide us in our mission

■ We have a long list of ministries, but need more people involved

■ How are YOU willing to be involved?

■ Music is an integral part of the inspiration of our worship

■ Strengths: caring, generous, many talented people

■ Must work on advertising our ministries, be more involved in community and diocesan activities

Self-study continues

Combined services and discussions continue:

Feb. 18: Spiritual Genealogy Part 2, Rev. Barb Schmitz.

Feb. 25: Fourth focus group, Outreach/Looking Ahead.

Questions about the search process may be directed to any member of the Search Committee: Ron Roberts, Chairman; Deb Leopard, Vestry Liaison; Liz Gendron, Peter Gibbs, Linda Roof, and Frank Whitehead.